Build: #1324 was successful
Job: Mac Build Workflow was successful
Job result summary
- Completed
- Duration
- 3 minutes
- Revision
- Total tests
- 640
- Successful since
- #1320 ()
- 640 tests in total
- 5 tests were quarantined / skipped
- 1 minute taken in total.
Error summary
The build generated some errors. See the full build log for more details.
Critical Error! The home directory has not been configured,
which will prevent the application from working correctly.
Critical Error! The home directory has not been configured,
which will prevent the application from working correctly.
Critical Error! The home directory has not been configured,
which will prevent the application from working correctly.
Critical Error! The home directory has not been configured,
which will prevent the application from working correctly.
Critical Error! The home directory has not been configured,
which will prevent the application from working correctly.
Critical Error! The home directory has not been configured,
which will prevent the application from working correctly.
Critical Error! The home directory has not been configured,
which will prevent the application from working correctly.
Critical Error! The home directory has not been configured,
which will prevent the application from working correctly.
Critical Error! The home directory has not been configured,
which will prevent the application from working correctly.
Critical Error! The home directory has not been configured,
which will prevent the application from working correctly.
Critical Error! The home directory has not been configured,
which will prevent the application from working correctly.
Critical Error! The home directory has not been configured,
which will prevent the application from working correctly.
Critical Error! The home directory has not been configured,
which will prevent the application from working correctly.
Critical Error! The home directory has not been configured,
which will prevent the application from working correctly.
Critical Error! The home directory has not been configured,
which will prevent the application from working correctly.
Critical Error! The home directory has not been configured,
which will prevent the application from working correctly.
Critical Error! The home directory has not been configured,
which will prevent the application from working correctly.
Critical Error! The home directory has not been configured,
which will prevent the application from working correctly.
Critical Error! The home directory has not been configured,
which will prevent the application from working correctly.
Critical Error! The home directory has not been configured,
which will prevent the application from working correctly.
Critical Error! The home directory has not been configured,
which will prevent the application from working correctly.
Critical Error! The home directory has not been configured,
which will prevent the application from working correctly.
Critical Error! The home directory has not been configured,
which will prevent the application from working correctly.
Critical Error! The home directory has not been configured,
which will prevent the application from working correctly.
Critical Error! The home directory has not been configured,
which will prevent the application from working correctly.
++ mvn help:evaluate -Dexpression=project.version -q -DforceStdout
++ echo 4.8.0-SNAPSHOT
++ cut -d- -f1
+ export OPENFIRE_VERSION=4.8.0
++ echo 4.8.0
++ cut -d. -f1
+ export VERSION_MAJOR=4
++ echo 4.8.0
++ cut -d. -f2
+ export VERSION_MINOR=8
+ export TARGET_OSX=distribution/build/osx
+ TARGET_OSX=distribution/build/osx
+ export MAC_PKG_DIR=distribution/build/osx/macpkg
+ MAC_PKG_DIR=distribution/build/osx/macpkg
+ export MAC_DMG_DIR=distribution/build/osx/Openfire
+ MAC_DMG_DIR=distribution/build/osx/Openfire
+ export MAC_DMG_FILE=openfire.dmg
+ MAC_DMG_FILE=openfire.dmg
+ export MAC_TEMPLATE=distribution/build/osx/template
+ MAC_TEMPLATE=distribution/build/osx/template
+ export MAC_PREFPANE_BUILD=distribution/build/osx/prefPane
+ MAC_PREFPANE_BUILD=distribution/build/osx/prefPane
++ date +%Y
+ export COPYRIGHTYEAR=2022
+ rm -rf distribution/build/osx
+ rm -f openfire.dmg
+ mkdir -p distribution/build/osx/prefPane
+ cp -R build/osx/openfirePrefPane/English.lproj build/osx/openfirePrefPane/Info.plist build/osx/openfirePrefPane/authTool.c build/osx/openfirePrefPane/jivesoftware_logo.png build/osx/openfirePrefPane/openfire-logo-notext.png build/osx/openfirePrefPane/openfire-logo-notext.tif build/osx/openfirePrefPane/openfire-logo.png build/osx/openfirePrefPane/openfirePrefPane.h build/osx/openfirePrefPane/openfirePrefPane.m build/osx/openfirePrefPane/openfirePrefPane.xcodeproj build/osx/openfirePrefPane/openfirePrefPanePref.tiff build/osx/openfirePrefPane/openfirePrefPane_Prefix.pch distribution/build/osx/prefPane/
+ cd distribution/build/osx/prefPane
+ /usr/bin/xcodebuild -configuration Deployment -target Openfire clean install
+ cd ../../../..
+ mkdir -p distribution/build/osx/macpkg/usr/local/openfire
+ cp -R distribution/target/distribution-base/. distribution/build/osx/macpkg/usr/local/openfire/
+ mkdir -p distribution/build/osx/macpkg/Library/LaunchDaemons
+ cp build/osx/org.jivesoftware.openfire.plist distribution/build/osx/macpkg/Library/LaunchDaemons
+ mkdir -p distribution/build/osx/Openfire
+ mkdir -p distribution/build/osx/macpkg/Library/PreferencePanes
+ cp -a distribution/build/osx/prefPane/build/UninstalledProducts/macosx/Openfire.prefPane distribution/build/osx/macpkg/Library/PreferencePanes/
+ mkdir -p distribution/build/osx/template/.background
+ cp build/osx/dmgBackground.png distribution/build/osx/template/.background/
+ pkgbuild --identifier com.jivesoftware.openfire --version 4.8.0-SNAPSHOT --root distribution/build/osx/macpkg distribution/build/osx/PrefPane.pkg
+ cp build/osx/distribution.plist distribution/build/osx/
+ sed -i.bak s/%VERSION%/4.8.0/g distribution/build/osx/distribution.plist
+ sed -i.bak s/%COPYRIGHT%/2022/g distribution/build/osx/distribution.plist
+ productbuild --distribution distribution/build/osx/distribution.plist --resources build/osx/resources --package-path distribution/build/osx distribution/build/osx/template/Openfire.pkg
+ mkdir -p distribution/target/macosx
+ hdiutil create -srcfolder distribution/build/osx/template -volname Openfire -fs HFS+ -fsargs '-c c=64,a=16,e=16' -format UDRW distribution/build/osx/tmp.dmg
+ hdiutil attach distribution/build/osx/tmp.dmg -readwrite -noverify -noautoopen -noidme -mountpoint distribution/build/osx/Openfire
+ osascript build/osx/dmg_openfire.scpt Openfire build/osx 648 500 450 205 128
build/osx/dmg_openfire.scpt: execution error: An error of type -610 has occurred. (-610)
+ hdiutil detach distribution/build/osx/Openfire -quiet -force
+ hdiutil convert distribution/build/osx/tmp.dmg -format UDZO -imagekey zlib-level=9 -o distribution/build/osx/Openfire
which will prevent the application from working correctly.
Critical Error! The home directory has not been configured,
which will prevent the application from working correctly.
Critical Error! The home directory has not been configured,
which will prevent the application from working correctly.
Critical Error! The home directory has not been configured,
which will prevent the application from working correctly.
Critical Error! The home directory has not been configured,
which will prevent the application from working correctly.
Critical Error! The home directory has not been configured,
which will prevent the application from working correctly.
Critical Error! The home directory has not been configured,
which will prevent the application from working correctly.
Critical Error! The home directory has not been configured,
which will prevent the application from working correctly.
Critical Error! The home directory has not been configured,
which will prevent the application from working correctly.
Critical Error! The home directory has not been configured,
which will prevent the application from working correctly.
Critical Error! The home directory has not been configured,
which will prevent the application from working correctly.
Critical Error! The home directory has not been configured,
which will prevent the application from working correctly.
Critical Error! The home directory has not been configured,
which will prevent the application from working correctly.
Critical Error! The home directory has not been configured,
which will prevent the application from working correctly.
Critical Error! The home directory has not been configured,
which will prevent the application from working correctly.
Critical Error! The home directory has not been configured,
which will prevent the application from working correctly.
Critical Error! The home directory has not been configured,
which will prevent the application from working correctly.
Critical Error! The home directory has not been configured,
which will prevent the application from working correctly.
Critical Error! The home directory has not been configured,
which will prevent the application from working correctly.
Critical Error! The home directory has not been configured,
which will prevent the application from working correctly.
Critical Error! The home directory has not been configured,
which will prevent the application from working correctly.
Critical Error! The home directory has not been configured,
which will prevent the application from working correctly.
Critical Error! The home directory has not been configured,
which will prevent the application from working correctly.
Critical Error! The home directory has not been configured,
which will prevent the application from working correctly.
Critical Error! The home directory has not been configured,
which will prevent the application from working correctly.
++ mvn help:evaluate -Dexpression=project.version -q -DforceStdout
++ echo 4.8.0-SNAPSHOT
++ cut -d- -f1
+ export OPENFIRE_VERSION=4.8.0
++ echo 4.8.0
++ cut -d. -f1
+ export VERSION_MAJOR=4
++ echo 4.8.0
++ cut -d. -f2
+ export VERSION_MINOR=8
+ export TARGET_OSX=distribution/build/osx
+ TARGET_OSX=distribution/build/osx
+ export MAC_PKG_DIR=distribution/build/osx/macpkg
+ MAC_PKG_DIR=distribution/build/osx/macpkg
+ export MAC_DMG_DIR=distribution/build/osx/Openfire
+ MAC_DMG_DIR=distribution/build/osx/Openfire
+ export MAC_DMG_FILE=openfire.dmg
+ MAC_DMG_FILE=openfire.dmg
+ export MAC_TEMPLATE=distribution/build/osx/template
+ MAC_TEMPLATE=distribution/build/osx/template
+ export MAC_PREFPANE_BUILD=distribution/build/osx/prefPane
+ MAC_PREFPANE_BUILD=distribution/build/osx/prefPane
++ date +%Y
+ export COPYRIGHTYEAR=2022
+ rm -rf distribution/build/osx
+ rm -f openfire.dmg
+ mkdir -p distribution/build/osx/prefPane
+ cp -R build/osx/openfirePrefPane/English.lproj build/osx/openfirePrefPane/Info.plist build/osx/openfirePrefPane/authTool.c build/osx/openfirePrefPane/jivesoftware_logo.png build/osx/openfirePrefPane/openfire-logo-notext.png build/osx/openfirePrefPane/openfire-logo-notext.tif build/osx/openfirePrefPane/openfire-logo.png build/osx/openfirePrefPane/openfirePrefPane.h build/osx/openfirePrefPane/openfirePrefPane.m build/osx/openfirePrefPane/openfirePrefPane.xcodeproj build/osx/openfirePrefPane/openfirePrefPanePref.tiff build/osx/openfirePrefPane/openfirePrefPane_Prefix.pch distribution/build/osx/prefPane/
+ cd distribution/build/osx/prefPane
+ /usr/bin/xcodebuild -configuration Deployment -target Openfire clean install
+ cd ../../../..
+ mkdir -p distribution/build/osx/macpkg/usr/local/openfire
+ cp -R distribution/target/distribution-base/. distribution/build/osx/macpkg/usr/local/openfire/
+ mkdir -p distribution/build/osx/macpkg/Library/LaunchDaemons
+ cp build/osx/org.jivesoftware.openfire.plist distribution/build/osx/macpkg/Library/LaunchDaemons
+ mkdir -p distribution/build/osx/Openfire
+ mkdir -p distribution/build/osx/macpkg/Library/PreferencePanes
+ cp -a distribution/build/osx/prefPane/build/UninstalledProducts/macosx/Openfire.prefPane distribution/build/osx/macpkg/Library/PreferencePanes/
+ mkdir -p distribution/build/osx/template/.background
+ cp build/osx/dmgBackground.png distribution/build/osx/template/.background/
+ pkgbuild --identifier com.jivesoftware.openfire --version 4.8.0-SNAPSHOT --root distribution/build/osx/macpkg distribution/build/osx/PrefPane.pkg
+ cp build/osx/distribution.plist distribution/build/osx/
+ sed -i.bak s/%VERSION%/4.8.0/g distribution/build/osx/distribution.plist
+ sed -i.bak s/%COPYRIGHT%/2022/g distribution/build/osx/distribution.plist
+ productbuild --distribution distribution/build/osx/distribution.plist --resources build/osx/resources --package-path distribution/build/osx distribution/build/osx/template/Openfire.pkg
+ mkdir -p distribution/target/macosx
+ hdiutil create -srcfolder distribution/build/osx/template -volname Openfire -fs HFS+ -fsargs '-c c=64,a=16,e=16' -format UDRW distribution/build/osx/tmp.dmg
+ hdiutil attach distribution/build/osx/tmp.dmg -readwrite -noverify -noautoopen -noidme -mountpoint distribution/build/osx/Openfire
+ osascript build/osx/dmg_openfire.scpt Openfire build/osx 648 500 450 205 128
build/osx/dmg_openfire.scpt: execution error: An error of type -610 has occurred. (-610)
+ hdiutil detach distribution/build/osx/Openfire -quiet -force
+ hdiutil convert distribution/build/osx/tmp.dmg -format UDZO -imagekey zlib-level=9 -o distribution/build/osx/Openfire