Verifies the integrety of the projects, as builds are executed immediately after a code change was detected. This plan provides no artifiacts (use a nightly build instead).

Code commits

Openfire (master)

  • daryl herzmann <>

    daryl herzmann <> 211a6fd8d99b640cbc35ebb2e5e6f421f007f21a

    Merge pull request #1223 from ychaouche/patch-1
    Added a status function to init.d/openfire

  • Yassine Chaouche <>

    Yassine Chaouche <> 1ad09b1f690320981f188822ab87b12b7c5f24c6

    Added a status function

    • build/debian/openfire.init.d (version 1ad09b1f690320981f188822ab87b12b7c5f24c6)