Nightly Distribution of the master branch

Build: #1561 was successful Changes by Florian Schmaus <>

Stages & jobs

  1. Default Stage

  2. Deploy

Build result summary


Queue duration
< 1 second
7 minutes
Total tests
Successful since
#1549 ()


Code commits

Author Commit Message Commit date
Florian Schmaus <> Florian Schmaus <> 2e4ce965cdccc001f7e6aa776a37e8dd538e75df Merge pull request #208 from fuentesj11/documentation-review
Proofread Getting Started documentation
Florian Schmaus <> Florian Schmaus <> b7e7aeee9e2b4d42f753ab147eb95677939103a5 Reset Java source compatibility to 1.7 (Java 7)
The following wild problem appeared:

Smack currently checks for Android API compatiblity by creating a
extra 'compileAndroid' task, which has the boot classpath set to the
corresponding android.jar of the minimum Android API level required by
Smack. This ensures that the task failes if we use methods which are
not part of this Android API level.

Now setting javac's source/target compatibility level to Java 8 in
itself is not a problem, newer Android build toolchains will desugar
most Java 8 ishms to the Java 7 flavor supported by the dex tool,
hence Android projects are able to consume a Java 8 enabled Smack.

But as soon as we use lambdas with an minimum Android API level
lower than 26, the compileAndroid task will fail with:$CompletionFailure:
  class file for java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles$Lookup not found.

Re-opens SMACK-801.
Jesus Fuentes <> Jesus Fuentes <> 7791e53454a7e8f2b1275fd53c30c93e24f5dc50 m Fix found typos
Fix found typos in the documentation -Jesus
Son Goku <goku@Sons-iMac.local> Son Goku <goku@Sons-iMac.local> 32262a9c5476436318c0cdf295167e86c543f783 m Proofread Getting Started documentation

Jira issues

Unknown Issue TypeSMACK-801Could not obtain issue details from Jira