Nightly Distribution of the master branch

Build: #1733 was successful Changes by Florian Schmaus <>

Stages & jobs

  1. Default Stage

  2. Deploy

Build result summary


Queue duration
< 1 second
7 minutes
Total tests
Successful since
#1685 ()


Code commits

Author Commit Message Commit date
Florian Schmaus <> Florian Schmaus <> f61ecb65e7a7d31c5ea1485ac7067e91f2237114 Make java(c|doc) use --release when available
In order to truely stay Java 8 compatible, declaring a source and
target compatiblity is not sufficient. Source compatiblity means that
the input, i.e. the code written in Java is compatible with that
particular version of the Java Language Specification (JLS). And
target compatibitliy means that the produced Java bytecode is
compatible with that particular version of the Java Virtual Machine
Specificiation (JVMS).

But there is actually a third dimension: the runtime
library (rt.jar). If signatures of methods change over java releases
within the runtime library, then the produced bytecode, may contain
calls to methods that do not exist with that exact same signature in
older java versions.

For example the family of Buffer subclasses changed the return value
of certain functions, for example flip() to not return Buffer, but the
concrete type of the current instance, e.g. CharBuffer.

If we compile now with a newer JDK, where the return type is
CharBuffer and not Buffer, then executing on an older JDK, where the
return type is Buffer, then we get java.lang.NoSuchMethodError(s)
thrown at us.

Fixes SMACK-651.

Jira issues

Unknown Issue TypeSMACK-651Could not obtain issue details from Jira