Builds Spark (minus the Install4j distributables) after every change to the code.

Build: #35 was successful Changes by 3 people

Jira issues

This page shows the Jira issues that have been linked to this build. This includes issues specified in commit messages, labels or comments, as well as issues manually linked to this build.

Related issues (12 issues)
Type Key Summary Status Assignee Fix versions Related Builds Operations
Sub-task SPARK-1921 Create GUI for managing certificate list Closed Paweł Ścibiorski 2 related builds
Sub-task SPARK-1926 Create new Jpanel Closed Paweł Ścibiorski 4 related builds
Sub-task SPARK-1927 Add Jpanel to tab in advenced Closed Paweł Ścibiorski 4 related builds
Sub-task SPARK-1928 Create table for certificates Closed Paweł Ścibiorski 4 related builds
Sub-task SPARK-1929 Add check boxes with options Closed Paweł Ścibiorski 4 related builds
Sub-task SPARK-1930 Show certificate on mouse click Closed Paweł Ścibiorski 2 related builds
Sub-task SPARK-1932 Create dialog for certificates Closed Paweł Ścibiorski 2 related builds
Sub-task SPARK-1933 Add scrollable panel with certificate's fields to the dialog Closed Paweł Ścibiorski 2 related builds
Sub-task SPARK-1935 Add buttons for certificate options Closed Paweł Ścibiorski 2 related builds
Sub-task SPARK-1937 Create model class with fields Closed Paweł Ścibiorski 4 related builds
Sub-task SPARK-1938 Formatting and list of certificates Closed Paweł Ścibiorski 4 related builds
Sub-task SPARK-1940 Extract certificates Closed Paweł Ścibiorski 4 related builds