Build: #1706 was successful Scheduled with changes by Dan Caseley <> and Guus der Kinderen

Build result summary


Queue duration
5 minutes
10 minutes
Default Agent
Total tests
Successful since
#1597 ()


Code commits

Author Commit Message Commit date
Guus der Kinderen Guus der Kinderen 18367c25d148ac57dd8792146159d6fb683c89c1 OF-2572: Detect thread obtaining more than one database connection
Logs a warning (and stack traces) when one thread obtains more than one database connection from the database connection pool. This intends to flag inefficient code.

This feature is enabled only when ProfiledConnections are used, which is not the case by default.
Dan Caseley <> Dan Caseley <> 478d46ee8039f79d668f315a459df2f6b8d5c786 OF-2584 Suppress new/old Guava vulnerability
Guava has vulnerability related to permissions on a temp directory ( but we don't use that method. This wasn't flagged by the previous version of dependency-check-maven, as it'd been assumed fixed in Guava.
Dan Caseley <> Dan Caseley <> 5e92f3da774a07abc8fbb7609b9e1127fe29ff4c OF-2585 Bump commons-fileupload from 1.4 to 1.5
Dan Caseley <> Dan Caseley <> ca4c5723f812f33261f3283900c12e0360b11508 OF-2587 Upgrade TwelveMonkeys image-io extensions from 3.5 to 3.9.4
Dan Caseley <> Dan Caseley <> e29d504d824085bb7b8cc57c50c89fe9a02bb5e0 OF-2589 Exclude protobuf-java from mysql-connector-j
Since we don't need X DevAPI features

Jira issues

4 more issues…
Unknown Issue TypeCVE-2023Could not obtain issue details from Jira
Unknown Issue TypeOF-2494Could not obtain issue details from Jira
Unknown Issue TypeOF-2572Could not obtain issue details from Jira
Unknown Issue TypeOF-2584Could not obtain issue details from Jira
Unknown Issue TypeOF-2585Could not obtain issue details from Jira