Run manually for releases

Build: #2 was successful Manual run by daryl herzmann

Build result summary


Queue duration
2 seconds
2 minutes
Default Agent
Total tests
Successful since
#1 ()


Code commits

Author Commit Message Commit date
Dele Olajide <> Dele Olajide <> c87312d9a4ed03cf447cb3e54c78964e224ea447 OF-2017: Update Jetty to 9.4.28.v20200408
Dele Olajide <> Dele Olajide <> 6b5b4210d630904efc734d5193d294eda9962e32 OF-963: WebSocket keep-alive is not working as expected
XEP-0198 stream resumption is not yet implemented.

Prevent resumption from being negotiated for WS sessions.
Guus der Kinderen Guus der Kinderen 55d7a873008add72c2f6b19e59c12a1e9850fc8f OF-2015: Clean up the donor immediately after session resumption.
When Stream Management is used to resume an old session, the session that was used to resume the old session should be cleaned up immediately. Before this fix, the session lingers in a state of being 'detached'. Not only is there no reason for it to linger (it can't be resumed), marking it as 'detached' is semantically wrong: this session never reached a state where it makes sense to resume it later. The changes in this commit clean up the donor session immediately after resuption.
Guus der Kinderen Guus der Kinderen be50383327cc5d6ce80b50be3754868e013e4e49 OF-2014: Update OnConnectionClose callback object when re-initializing connection.
When a connection gets a new owner (Session), make sure that the old owner that was registered with the callback function gets replaced by the new owner. Without this, the callback will be invoked on the old (non-existing) session. This, among others, prevents Stream Management from working properly after a stream has been resumed for the first time.
Guus der Kinderen Guus der Kinderen 7e01346bf67aa6c99ccacb2375bdd59cb2fcf722 OF-2013: Improve detection of 'detached' session state.
Instead of assuming that a session is detached when it's connection is null (which could also be caused by the connection being closed), verify if the session is currently in the collection of detached sessions.

Jira issues

10 more issues…
Unknown Issue TypeOF-158Could not obtain issue details from Jira
Unknown Issue TypeOF-532Could not obtain issue details from Jira
Unknown Issue TypeOF-963Could not obtain issue details from Jira
Unknown Issue TypeOF-1788Could not obtain issue details from Jira
Unknown Issue TypeOF-1964Could not obtain issue details from Jira

Shared artifacts

Artifact File size
.rpm files 289 MB