Verifies the integrety of the projects, as builds are executed immediately after a code change was detected. This plan provides no artifiacts (use a nightly build instead).

Build: #1286 was successful Changes by Guus der Kinderen

Code commits

Openfire (master)

  • Guus der Kinderen

    Guus der Kinderen 54687deb8755025503939fbb48621f1b7ed5a178

    OF-546: Distribute custom tags in a library.
    For plugins to be able to use the tags used in the admin console, the tags should be distributed in a library. By making this library a Maven module, plugins can define the library as a dependency.

    Note that the admin.tld file is duplicated, but *slightly* modified in the Maven module: the path of the tags is different (META-INF vs WEB-INF).

    • plugins/pom.xml (version 54687deb8755025503939fbb48621f1b7ed5a178)
    • pom.xml (version 54687deb8755025503939fbb48621f1b7ed5a178)
    • src/java/org/jivesoftware/admin/ (version 54687deb8755025503939fbb48621f1b7ed5a178)
    • src/web/WEB-INF/admin.tld (version 54687deb8755025503939fbb48621f1b7ed5a178)
    • webadmintld/pom.xml (version 54687deb8755025503939fbb48621f1b7ed5a178)
    • webadmintld/src/assembly/taglib.xml (version 54687deb8755025503939fbb48621f1b7ed5a178)
    • webadmintld/src/main/resources/META-INF/admin.tld (version 54687deb8755025503939fbb48621f1b7ed5a178)
    • webadmintld/src/main/resources/META-INF/tags/admin/contentBox.tagx (version 54687deb8755025503939fbb48621f1b7ed5a178)
    • webadmintld/src/main/resources/META-INF/tags/admin/infoBox.tagx (version 54687deb8755025503939fbb48621f1b7ed5a178)
  • Guus der Kinderen

    Guus der Kinderen 404a63d946f77e8db7f668bc25800a76d4fbcf3e

    OF-546: Update HSQLDB dependency to match included library.
    The HSQLDB library that ships with Openfire (for Ant) is newer than the
    dependency that's defined in Maven. This introduces a compatibility issue
    at runtime:

    > org.jivesoftware.database.SchemaManager - Unexpected token: FILES in statement [ SET FILES]

    The difference is likely an oversight, caused by us taking a very long time
    to merge the Maven PR. At the time it was created, the dependency was still okay.

    • xmppserver/pom.xml (version 404a63d946f77e8db7f668bc25800a76d4fbcf3e)
  • Guus der Kinderen

    Guus der Kinderen 311ab09bb2ea523fdebfd134876d1d17c77bc7bc

    OF-546: Exclude Avalon from Proxool
    The Avalon framework is a dependency of the Proxool Maven artificat, but was
    never included as a library to Openfire prior the move to Maven (so, we can
    do without).

    The Avalon dependency itself has a dependency of servlet-api 2.3, which is
    unwanted, and causes issues when compiling JSPs.

    • xmppserver/pom.xml (version 311ab09bb2ea523fdebfd134876d1d17c77bc7bc)
  • Guus der Kinderen

    Guus der Kinderen 4b9c341ebb6f9ce3a30927db54f77c4979a7dec1

    OF-546: Plugin artifact rework
    Previously, the openfire-plugin-assembly artifact replaced the default artifact. When using
    plugin project as a Maven dependency, this causes oddities: the dependency still is a JAR file,
    but does not conform to a standard archive. This results in missing classes. Instead, this commit
    retains the original project artifact. This is expected to be more useful.

    Sadly, we appear to can pick only one of these options:

    - Attach the openfire-plugin-assembly artifact (making it referencable)
    - Define a finalName for this artifact (<artifactname>.plugin)

    Both options appear to be mutually exclusive.

    More annoyance is prevented by giving the plugin jar file a 'proper' name, I suspect, which is why
    I opted for doing that. For the other option, set 'appendAssemblyId' to true, and remove the
    'attach' element of the 'make-assembly' block.

    The removed openfire-plugin-jar assembly does not appear to have a practical purpose: it builds a
    jar file that is pretty similar to the standard artifact (it misses some metadata, and its final
    name is different). Removing this assembly reduces complexity, at the cost of a benefit that I
    cannot see.

    • plugins/openfire-plugin-assembly-descriptor/src/main/resources/assemblies/openfire-plugin-assembly.xml (version 4b9c341ebb6f9ce3a30927db54f77c4979a7dec1)
    • plugins/openfire-plugin-assembly-descriptor/src/main/resources/assemblies/openfire-plugin-jar.xml (version 4b9c341ebb6f9ce3a30927db54f77c4979a7dec1)
    • plugins/pom.xml (version 4b9c341ebb6f9ce3a30927db54f77c4979a7dec1)