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Build: #1329 was successful Changes by Guus der Kinderen

Code commits

Openfire (master)

  • Guus der Kinderen

    Guus der Kinderen ed4ef2c46b9f9951caefe182eff0382d652189da

    OF-1345 OF-1139: 'Mapped' providers should be documented.
    Usage of Mapped providers requires a lot of configuration, that should be documented. The documentation provided in this commit describes a common use case, in which admins are to be retrieved from the default providers, while regular users are obtained from an external system.

    • documentation/docs/index.html (version ed4ef2c46b9f9951caefe182eff0382d652189da)
    • documentation/docs/separating-admin-users-guide.html (version ed4ef2c46b9f9951caefe182eff0382d652189da)