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Build: #2582 was successful Changes by Guus der Kinderen

Code commits

Openfire (master)

  • Guus der Kinderen

    Guus der Kinderen 1e109775535b8c8c97d51843501cbec2ee8e95f9

    Fixed a typo

    • xmppserver/src/main/java/org/jivesoftware/openfire/spi/ (version 1e109775535b8c8c97d51843501cbec2ee8e95f9)
  • Guus der Kinderen

    Guus der Kinderen 30ab578e48227a8b2b7de165f690de980a8f528b

    OF-2824: Relax introduced fail-fast behavior
    In commit ef582e131f41bcb61bfb75c083986b92b0bcd002 fail-fast behavior was introduced that causes exceptions to be thrown when certain methods are invoked using a bare JID while the expected argument is a full JID.

    For certain lookups, these unexpected bare JIDs appear to be used all the time, causing Openfire to become pretty unusable.

    In this commit, the invocations that do not _modify_ cache content are short-circuited when a bare JID argument is used. This has the benefit of preventing the acquisition of a cluster-wide lock.

    • xmppserver/src/main/java/org/jivesoftware/openfire/spi/ (version 30ab578e48227a8b2b7de165f690de980a8f528b)
  • Guus der Kinderen

    Guus der Kinderen 67108eddd2346099eab7cd4081286548c8bf3d70

    OF-2824: Manipulation of client-related caches in RoutingTable using the same lock
    RoutingTableImpl has three closely related caches, that are used to represent the state of client session routes:
    - `usersSessionsCache`
    - `anonymousUsersCache`
    - `usersCache`

    Each value in the first cache is expected to correspond to a value in one of the other two caches.

    Under OF-2824, a bug is described where `usersCache` contains values that are _not_ in `usersSessionsCache`. That shouldn't be possible.

    Prior to this commit, manipulation of these caches is performed under a lock obtained from each of the caches. This means that the overall operation of adding an entry to `usersSessionsCache` and one of the other two caches is _not_ guarded by one singular lock (instead, two locks are used, each guarding the operation pertaining to that particular cache). This leaves room for a race-condition.

    This commit addresses the race condition by using one singular lock to guard manipulations in all of these caches.

    As all caches use a JID (in either bare or full form) as their key value, the singular lock introduced by this commit is based on the bare JID of the key that's being manipulated. This lock is obtained from the `usersSessionsCache`.

    This change can lead to more lock contention (as more operations are guarded by the same lock). Simultaneously, less acquiring of locks will take place (as many operations previously required two locks to be acquired, while now, only one is needed. What the effects are on performance is as of yet undetermined.

    This commit also introduces some related, minor changes:
    - Logged messages are made more consistent
    - Some operations have been moved outside of the protection of a (potentially cluster-wide) lock, to improve performance
    - Where methods expect to be called with a full JID, exceptions are thrown when a bare JID is used. This fail-fast behavior is intended to uncover any existing or future bugs.

    • xmppserver/src/main/java/org/jivesoftware/openfire/spi/ (version 67108eddd2346099eab7cd4081286548c8bf3d70)
  • Guus der Kinderen

    Guus der Kinderen 3c7a0c684939ca5738868689360d22cb3583904a

    OF-2824: Remove cluster-cache optimization
    It is suspected that, under race conditions, the optimization removed by this commit introduces data inconsistency.

    The optimization prevents modification of a second cache, as through the output of manipulation of the first cache it can be deduced that the second cache should already be in the expected state. By skipping manipulation of that second cache, a cluster-wide operation is prevented, which improves performance.

    The presence-based override for the optimization - one that I frankly do not understand - becomes obsolete by this change, and is also removed.

    The change introduced by this commit trades performance for more reliable data consistency. As an added benefit, the code becomes less complex, reducing maintenance costs.

    This commit changes the public signature of the `addClientRoute` method of `RoutingTable`: it no longer returns a value. The return value is currently not used by Openfire's own code. It was used for only two days, back in 2007: it was introduced in commit a940eeff4f72e4e9da70fcd0b4a1db1b3c40cd8d where it was used to update a statistic. This statistic got removed two days later, in commit 67f9ab65c36b8a38f5ab7c480415897839da21f0. Given the nature of the code (RoutingTable being _very_ low level), it is not expected that third-party code uses this method. It contract change should therefor be reasonably safe to do.

    • xmppserver/src/main/java/org/jivesoftware/openfire/ (version 3c7a0c684939ca5738868689360d22cb3583904a)
    • xmppserver/src/main/java/org/jivesoftware/openfire/spi/ (version 3c7a0c684939ca5738868689360d22cb3583904a)
  • Guus der Kinderen

    Guus der Kinderen 4570e79b926538fb137f8b1a00dff10b10f57b37

    Add code comment explaining re-entrant lock usage

    • xmppserver/src/main/java/org/jivesoftware/openfire/spi/ (version 4570e79b926538fb137f8b1a00dff10b10f57b37)
  • Guus der Kinderen

    Guus der Kinderen 4e0e4829dd0e299092664139bb23db6bf654240d

    OF-2824: Annotate ClientSession's address to be a _full_ JID
    Any Session's address is non-null, but _client_ sessions also are guarenteed to be full JIDs (in other words: they have a non-null resource part).

    This commit explicitly checks for this (to fail fast on any current and future bugs), and removes unneeded checks on usage. This intends to reduce code maintenance costs, by having less complex code.

    It is not expected that this change will introduce runtime changes (as the values already are full JIDs).

    • xmppserver/src/main/java/org/jivesoftware/openfire/ (version 4e0e4829dd0e299092664139bb23db6bf654240d)
    • xmppserver/src/main/java/org/jivesoftware/openfire/session/ (version 4e0e4829dd0e299092664139bb23db6bf654240d)
    • xmppserver/src/main/java/org/jivesoftware/openfire/spi/ (version 4e0e4829dd0e299092664139bb23db6bf654240d)
  • Guus der Kinderen

    Guus der Kinderen 417657b7e296a458bc140a760956a351c74c7c61

    OF-2824: Annotate Session's address to be non-null
    Any Session's `address` property is expected to be non-null by the existing implementation. One notable exemption to this is `RemoteIncomingServerSession`, where the address _field_ is lazily initialized (and thus _can_ be null). Its getter value is guaranteed to be non-null though.

    This commit annotates and asserts that various Session address fields, getters and setters to have non-null values.

    The intention of this change is to simplify implementations (by dropping unneeded null-checks), more strictly document expected state (for easier maintenance) and introduce fail-fast behavior (that should help catch any current or future bugs).

    It is not expected that this change will introduce runtime changes (as the values already are non-null).

    • xmppserver/src/main/java/org/jivesoftware/openfire/ (version 417657b7e296a458bc140a760956a351c74c7c61)
    • xmppserver/src/main/java/org/jivesoftware/openfire/session/ (version 417657b7e296a458bc140a760956a351c74c7c61)
    • xmppserver/src/main/java/org/jivesoftware/openfire/session/ (version 417657b7e296a458bc140a760956a351c74c7c61)
    • xmppserver/src/main/java/org/jivesoftware/openfire/session/ (version 417657b7e296a458bc140a760956a351c74c7c61)
    • xmppserver/src/main/java/org/jivesoftware/openfire/session/ (version 417657b7e296a458bc140a760956a351c74c7c61)