Verifies the integrety of the projects, as builds are executed immediately after a code change was detected. This plan provides no artifiacts (use a nightly build instead).

Build: #2361 was successful

Job: Build was successful

Stages & jobs

  1. Default Stage

Code commits

Openfire (master)

  • transifex-integration[bot] <43880903+transifex-integration[bot]>

    transifex-integration[bot] <43880903+transifex-integration[bot]> 9d3267d8c5280bed600b7943b7c510f22540ca37

    Apply translations in nl
    translation completed updated for the source file '/i18n/src/main/resources/'
    on the 'nl' language.

    • i18n/src/main/resources/ (version 9d3267d8c5280bed600b7943b7c510f22540ca37)