Verifies the integrety of the projects, as builds are executed immediately after a code change was detected. This plan provides no artifiacts (use a nightly build instead).

Build: #2502 was successful

Job: Build was successful

Stages & jobs

  1. Default Stage

Code commits

Openfire (master)

  • Guus der Kinderen

    Guus der Kinderen 0c10d9acdafbd74484775db75baeeefbc5f8718d

    OF-1407: Admin console should have a visual indicator when S2S test is running
    The S2S test is a potentially long-running process. The admin console should show some kind of indicator that something is happening.

    This is my poor attempt at adding a spinner. There will be much better approaches, but this is what my limited experience gets you within the amount of time I'd like to spend on something like this. Feel free to improve on this! :)

    • xmppserver/src/main/webapp/server-connectiontest.jsp (version 0c10d9acdafbd74484775db75baeeefbc5f8718d)