Verifies the integrety of the projects, as builds are executed immediately after a code change was detected. This plan provides no artifiacts (use a nightly build instead).

Build: #2504 was successful

Job: Build was successful

Stages & jobs

  1. Default Stage

Code commits

Openfire (master)

  • Guus der Kinderen

    Guus der Kinderen 4275bbc2df48594d4f6dfd0edc9abc21b462ca71

    OF-1389: Admin Console - PubSub Node ID should be clickable
    To be consistent with other admin console summary pages, the identifier of nodes on the PEP and Pubsub Node summary pages should be clickable.

    This commit replaces the 'config' column with a link on the pre-existing node ID.

    • i18n/src/main/resources/ (version 4275bbc2df48594d4f6dfd0edc9abc21b462ca71)
    • i18n/src/main/resources/ (version 4275bbc2df48594d4f6dfd0edc9abc21b462ca71)
    • i18n/src/main/resources/ (version 4275bbc2df48594d4f6dfd0edc9abc21b462ca71)
    • i18n/src/main/resources/ (version 4275bbc2df48594d4f6dfd0edc9abc21b462ca71)
    • xmppserver/src/main/webapp/pubsub-node-summary.jsp (version 4275bbc2df48594d4f6dfd0edc9abc21b462ca71)