Builds Spark (minus the Install4j distributables) after every change to the code.

Build: #202 was successful

Job: Maven build was successful

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  1. Build Stage

Code commits

Spark (master)

  • wroot <>

    wroot <> 59272b6568f3bd757d7e3f7c86e470cbb28789df

    Merge pull request #501 from guusdk/SPARK-2138_game-fixes
    Spark-2138: Game fixes

  • Guus der Kinderen

    Guus der Kinderen 8a1a8a71139002c07e8878061530fa02fa8be63f

    SPARK-2138: TicTacToe - IQ error stanzas must have a child element
    To conform with XMPP specifications (and Smacks enforcement of them) add an error condition to the IQ error response that's used to decline a game invitation.

    • plugins/tictactoe/src/main/java/tic/tac/toe/ (version 8a1a8a71139002c07e8878061530fa02fa8be63f)
  • Guus der Kinderen

    Guus der Kinderen aca69b943c8f6b929bebe5e63159b241ac15c72c

    SPARK-2138: TicTacToe - Fix addressing of invite response processing
    When processing a response, the 'to' and 'from' addresses have already been swapped.

    • plugins/tictactoe/src/main/java/tic/tac/toe/ (version aca69b943c8f6b929bebe5e63159b241ac15c72c)
  • Guus der Kinderen

    Guus der Kinderen 671824f91596f0018438ce0bdf15224f32308875

    SPARK-2138: TicTacToe - Process unexpected errors on game invites are reject
    When a game inivitation gets answered by a generic error (eg 'feature-not-implemented') rather than an explicit decline, process this as a decline. Prior to this commit, the code threw an exception as it didn't recognize the response as either an invite accept or decline.

    • plugins/tictactoe/src/main/java/tic/tac/toe/ (version 671824f91596f0018438ce0bdf15224f32308875)
  • Guus der Kinderen

    Guus der Kinderen 9f9ad4586e8fc0f54b22444f77a5e24caf9bad61

    SPARK-2138: Reversi - IQ error stanzas must have a child element
    To conform with XMPP specifications (and Smacks enforcement of them) add an error condition to the IQ error response that's used to decline a game invitation.

    • plugins/reversi/src/main/java/org/jivesoftware/game/reversi/ (version 9f9ad4586e8fc0f54b22444f77a5e24caf9bad61)
  • Guus der Kinderen

    Guus der Kinderen e8f7de8a0266e3e9b1c89bbbd87e48f312bd4fd5

    SPARK-2138: Reversi - Replace AsyncStanzaListener with IqRequestHandler
    When processing an incoming IQ request (such as a game invitation), the version of Smack that we use does not allow us to use an AsyncStanzaListener anymore.

    Before all registered stanza listeners are even invoked, Smack has determined that no IqRequestHandler has been registered to process the request, and will already have sent back an error.

    • plugins/reversi/src/main/java/org/jivesoftware/game/reversi/ (version e8f7de8a0266e3e9b1c89bbbd87e48f312bd4fd5)
  • Guus der Kinderen

    Guus der Kinderen d60ee89dfc02750d4603b9e079e627f05c67aecf

    SPARK-2138: TicTacToe - Replace AsyncStanzaListener with IqRequestHandler
    When processing an incoming IQ request (such as a game invitation), the version of Smack that we use does not allow us to use an AsyncStanzaListener anymore.

    Before all registered stanza listeners are even invoked, Smack has determined that no IqRequestHandler has been registered to process the request, and will already have sent back an error.

    • plugins/tictactoe/src/main/java/tic/tac/toe/ (version d60ee89dfc02750d4603b9e079e627f05c67aecf)