Builds Spark (minus the Install4j distributables) after every change to the code.

Build: #204 was successful

Job: Maven build was successful

Stages & jobs

  1. Build Stage

Code commits

Spark (master)

  • wroot <>

    wroot <> ccaac5ce40dcc597105d5c42e97003e5c778ebc2

    Merge pull request #503 from guusdk/SPARK-2141
    SPARK-2141: Contacts should always be shown, even if they're not in a group

  • Guus der Kinderen

    Guus der Kinderen 56b22372276c921546301677943ec41d9de19873 m

    SPARK-2141: Contacts should always be shown, even if they're not in a group
    This commit restores functionality that already existed, but was ... disabled?

    When a user is not in any group on the contact list, it is now displayed in a psuedo-group, called 'unfiled' (this is similar to the 'offline contacts' psuedo group).

    • core/src/main/java/org/jivesoftware/spark/component/ (version 56b22372276c921546301677943ec41d9de19873)
    • core/src/main/java/org/jivesoftware/spark/ui/ (version 56b22372276c921546301677943ec41d9de19873)