Builds Spark (minus the Install4j distributables) after every change to the code.

Build: #27 was successful

Job: Maven build was successful

Stages & jobs

  1. Build Stage

Code commits

Spark (master)

  • wroot <>

    wroot <> b3368c3551f598b6e02d84c234b4c5430e3e02c9

    Merge pull request #339 from guusdk/Spark-1812_vCards-update
    SPARK-1812: Parse vCards on disk

  • Guus der Kinderen

    Guus der Kinderen 72cb3cc78ce0848e2eabb2bcc895c4eeb97e8b81

    SPARK-1812: Parse vCards on disk
    This commit revisits an earlier fix for SPARK-1812. Instead of skipping fixed number of XML nodes,
    the parser should skip until at the start of the vCard element that's identified by name/namepace.

    Also, file references should be closed, even in case of an error (the try-with-resources construct
    will make sure this happens).

    Finally, when a file cannot be parsed, that file should be deleted.

    • core/src/main/java/org/jivesoftware/sparkimpl/profile/ (version 72cb3cc78ce0848e2eabb2bcc895c4eeb97e8b81)