Builds Spark (minus the Install4j distributables) after every change to the code.

Build: #386 was successful

Job: Maven build was successful

Stages & jobs

  1. Build Stage

Code commits

Spark (master)

  • Plyha <>

    Plyha <> 70e749c3a5cbefb1e2b7b8fc56cb645b5209eb5c

    Merge pull request #661 from guusdk/SPARK-2241_xstream-exception-sound
    SPARK-2241: Allow SoundPreferences class to be deserialized

  • Guus der Kinderen

    Guus der Kinderen 3b8b40146684a56ce489b060fe8ddbea8f11d0e5 m

    SPARK-2241: Allow SoundPreferences class to be deserialized
    The XStream library that takes care of deserializing XML data to a class instance needs to be configured to allow certain classes to be instantiated.

    • core/src/main/java/org/jivesoftware/sparkimpl/preference/sounds/ (version 3b8b40146684a56ce489b060fe8ddbea8f11d0e5)