Builds the Spark Install4j distributables once every day.

Build: #8 was successful Manual run by wroot

Stages & jobs

  1. Build Stage

  2. Post Build

Build result summary


Queue duration
18 seconds
3 minutes
Total tests
Successful since
#1 ()


  • 0 New failures
  • 0 Existing failures
  • 0 Fixed

Code commits

Author Commit Message Commit date
wroot <> wroot <> 205679d16cbd983a917e9f6e95aedda74f82b78e Merge pull request #308 from guusdk/SPARK-1757_SPARK-1649_MUC_History
SPARK-1757 & SPARK-1649: Don't process MUC history as regular messages.
Guus der Kinderen Guus der Kinderen 9cff4b523c87274e74facf14aadb168e8b7822f0 m SPARK-1757 & SPARK-1649: Don't process MUC history as regular messages.
when joining a multi user chat room, the recent history of that room can be sent to the client.

A bug in Spark caused these mesages to be processed as history (which is good), but also as
regular/new messages (which is wrong). As a result of this, the messages could be presented in
the wrong order on screen (SPARK-1757), as the original date of the message was not processed.
Also, all event listeners got triggered, causing other components to act as if a new message
was received. This causes issues like SPARK-1649 (unwanted notifications). Finally, the history
was being saved in the local history - which can introduce some duplication there (when a room
is rejoined frequently).

Jira issues

Unknown Issue TypeSPARK-1649Could not obtain issue details from Jira
Unknown Issue TypeSPARK-1757Could not obtain issue details from Jira